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Warning Notice – False Phone Calls from DFI Imposters

It has come to our attention that an individual or individuals posing to be with the “DFI” (the former Department of Financial Institutions) made several calls to a licensee attempting to obtain the contact information for the licensee’s personnel. It is believed that this was a “vishing” attempt. Vishing, or voice phishing, refers to using the telephone in a social engineering scam to obtain confidential data.

The Department reminds licensees to be diligent in protecting sensitive and confidential data from unknown callers. If you receive a suspicious call or email from someone who claims to be a DFI or DBO employee requesting this type of information, please do not divulge the information. Instead, attempt to get a phone number for the person and contact DBO immediately to verify that the person is legitimate.

For more information contact Patrick Carroll (415) 263-8559; email: