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Credit union annual audit reports are due in this office on or before October 13, not October 31 as reported in the September 2018 issue of the Monthly Bulletin. Please note the corrected notice below. Credit Union Annual Audit Reports Due October 13 for Fiscal Years Ending June 30 Credit unions with fiscal years that ended on June 30, are required to file their annual audit report with the DBO by Oct. 13, 2018. Please ensure all financial statements and management letters required by FC 14252 and CCR 30.1000 are included, as well as reports of confirmation of member accounts where required by CCR 30.302(b). Reports should be submitted to If a credit union fails to submit this required report on time, the DBO has the authority under FC 14256(b) and FC 329 to impose fines for each day late. Questions about the audit report may be addressed to the DBO credit union portfolio manager for your region. The DBO website identifies the DBO contact for each credit union.